Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dangerous Forklift Modifications To Avoid

Lift trucks are responsible for a lot of accidents, injuries, and death around the world. However, if properly maintained, repaired, fitted with forklift oem parts, and operated by competent operators, they provide a substantial boost in terms of productivity and eliminate all known hazards. In an effort to customize forklifts for specific tasks or cut corners in terms of repairs and maintenance, some people modify their forklifts. While modifications may be necessary, there are some that are downright dangerous as they seek to alter the truck’s capacity, intended use, or balance. In this blog, we look at 3 such modifications you ought to avoid.

Adding Accessories

One area that often features unsafe modification is the overhead guard, where you can find additional lights, mirrors, fans, strobes, and fire extinguishers. While some forklift manufactures cater for such additions by designing overhead guards with additional holes, other brands and models don’t. In the absence of additional holes, it is not advisable to drill additional holes as it may compromise safety. You may find yourself exposed in the event of incidents such as rollovers and falling objects. The best approach is to mount any accessories on an external mounting bracket which can be secured around the overhead guard.

Alterations To The Fork

Forklifts preform a host of activities which extend to acting as a crane when you need to vertically hoist heavy objects. You can easily find customized forklift attachments for that purpose from 3rd party suppliers for the ultimate in safety. It is, however, uncommon for some mechanics to take the ill-advised route of modifying the fork for such purposes. There are many reasons why such modifications are unsafe including the fact that it is impossible to know the forks’ lift capacity.

Counterweight Modifications

It is ill-advised to make attempts at modifying a forklift to increase the size of its counterweight. The objective of such modifications is often to a forklift’s rated capacity so that it can lift overweight or over-sized loads by inflating the force exerted at fulcrum’s back-end. The counterweight plays a central role in the forklift’s stability, making such alterations ill-advised. The operator of any such modified forklift can easily tip it as it has a reduced margin of error when it comes to shifting the center of gravity.

Always Consult Professionals

It is advisable to consult professionals before embarking on any modifications of your forklift. Always opt for forklift oem parts and approved accessories from the manufacturer or third parties. Create a policy around this issue and ensure that all your in-house mechanics know its importance.

Tips On Changing Forks On Your Forklift Truck

Although you can always take your forklift to a qualified and experienced mechanic for maintenance and repairs, it pays to know how to do some of the work in house. You can find excellent forklift used oem parts at authorized dealers or vendors that provide forklift salvage parts. In this blog, we look at how you can change the forks on your forklift. A damaged fork can be the cause for disaster or fatal accidents in the workplace.

Know your forklift

The first thing you need to do is go through the forklift’s manual as forklift come in different configurations. How you replace the forks is different for sit-down pallet movers, narrow merchandise movers, and large boat movers. Make sure you are using the forklift’s oem parts, and you can check its load capacity rating as listed on the forklift. The load capacity should match with the replacement part.

Find Ample Space

To safely replace the fork, you need ample space. Find an open area that has generous space and lower the fork until it is resting on the floor or at its lowest height. Place something underneath if it does not rest on the floor.

Switch Forklift Off

Some forklift must be on when you change the forks. If your forklift does not require this, it is advisable to switch it off. Check the mounting mechanism to know how to proceed. 

Check Forklift and Mount

You need to inspect all the aspects of the fork and its mounting. Look at the pins, screws, and welds to establish if they are in an excellent condition. If you notice any damage to the fork, chances are the mount is damaged as well and needs replacement. 

Study The Fork Mounting

It is important to know how your forklift is mounted. You can make a drawing or take a picture to create a reference for when installing the replacement fork. The mounting will be any of the 3 types – standard hook, non-standard hook, and pin.

Release the Forks

Standard hook forklifts feature a top and bottom locking mechanism while contemporary models have quick-change forks. For older models, first release the top mechanism and then release the bottom as the forks begin to come to a rest on the floor. A pin lock mechanism may feature a pin, shaft, or rod which locks into the fork’s ‘eye’. The fork is released when you unlock the mount and slide out the pin. Remove the forks and mark them ‘damaged’.

Put the replacement fork in position in front of the forklift. Reverse your action and if you are unsure, refer to your reference. Test the new forks out on small pallets before moving to big ones. Your dealer, whether for new or salvage forklift parts can help you find the right forks for your truck. Make sure salvage forklift parts are tested for any damage before you buy. A simple online search will show you many providers of CAT used forklift parts and other popular brands such as Toyota used forklift parts.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Tips On Evaluating A Used Forklift Before Buying

If you are an average business owner or manager looking to buy a forklift, the proposition can be overwhelming. If you are looking to buy a used or salvage forklift truck, the situation becomes even more critical as you have to be in a position to evaluate its condition and establish the availability of forklift oem parts to avoid throwing your money down the drain. This blog shares a shortlist of 5 tips to guide you when checking out used forklifts.

Know How To Read The Hour Meter

All forklift trucks come equipped with an hour meter to help the operator/owner and servicing dealer track its usage. While some meters feature 5 digits others only have 4. The 4-digit meter will read 0000 once it reaches the 10,000-hour mark. Unscrupulous dealers may try to pass it on to unsuspecting shoppers at this point. Some meters capture various elements of the forklift such as hydraulic pump hours, drive hours, etc., making it important to be able to decode the information. Other issues to look out for include a replaced meter (which will start from 0000) or an unhooked or dead meter.

Unauthorized Chassis Modifications

Be on the lookout for any signs of welding, drilling, or heating on the chassis that has not been okayed by the manufacturer. Such modifications have the effect of weakening the structural components leading to premature failure. Other modifications to look for include the unauthorized addition of a counterweight.

Incomplete Capacity Data Plate

Over the life of a forklift, accessories and attachments of all nature and kind can be attached and removed without the consent of the manufacturer. This results in an inaccurate data plate that can be dangerously misleading.

Wrong Year Of Manufacture

You must make sure to verify any forklift truck’s year of manufacture before putting your money down. Contact the manufacturer with model and serial numbers of the forklift to have them verify the year of manufacture. 

Harsh Previous Applications

You must be in a position to know in what work the forklift has been involved to eliminate those that have endured a tough life that may not be reflected in the hour meter reading. Get a comprehensive mechanical assessment and make sure that forklift oem parts are available on the market. You can also check for the availability of salvage forklift parts.

Why Buying a Used or Salvage Forklift Makes Sense

Nothing can really replace a forklift whether you are operating on a commercial or industrial site. With the right forklift, you are in a better position to quickly, safely, and efficiently deal with your logistical work. When you set out to shop for the best forklift truck for your operational requirements, there are a number of vital decisions that you have to make, chief among them, whether to buy a brand new or used forklift. New forklift demand huge upfront costs while used options gift you the necessary operational capacity if you buy one whose forklift oem parts are not hard to get. Let’s look at some of the instances where a used forklift is a better buy.

When Looking to Make Savings

Forklift trucks constitute a substantial investment that ought to be approached prudently. You need to make sure that your investment is designed to stimulate growth. Used trucks make sense as they are available at a fraction of the price, in most instances less than half the showroom price. You can also access forklift oem parts at vendors that provide salvage forklift parts that have been tested. 

For a Backup Truck

A used truck is ideal when you are looking for a backup forklift to tidy you when your main truck suffers mechanical problems. The backup truck can always stepup whenever your frontline equipment is going through maintenance. This ensures that you don’t suffer losses or soil your reputation by failing to fulfill your contractual obligations.

Cater for Surplus Stock

If your business experiences spikes in the demand of your products, it makes sense to keep a used forklift for backup so it can take care of the temporary/seasonal spikes in business. Having a standby forklift truck helps you meet the needs of your customers timeously and efficiently. 

Take Care of Ancillary Tasks

If you do not need a forklift truck for your core business but other ancillary duties such occasionally moving a pallet or two, the best route to go is buying a used forklift truck. You need to opt for an affordable used forklift when it is meant to cater to necessary but light duties. 

Talk to your forklift dealer

Talk to your forklift dealer for options and also take time to check out the availability of forklift oem parts for the models under your consideration. Make sure any salvage forklift parts that you buy have been tested, and better still, come with some form of warranty.

Pro Tips on Forklift Battery Maintenance

It is important to maintain your forklift and ensure that its fitted with forklift oem parts all the time. One of the most important parts of your forklift truck is the battery. You need to know how to take care of this vital part of your trucks to make sure that you derive maximum value for your money. This is especially true for forklift that run on batteries as opposed to gas or diesel. Apart from regular maintenance, you need to adopt regular battery maintenance. Such care ensures that all your investment in forklift oem parts pays off and you experience minimum down times and the lifespan of your forklift is extended. Regular forklift battery maintenance helps you avoid frequent replacements of worn out batteries, which is rather expensive. It also helps improve overall forklift safety.

Charge it everyday after work

To get the most out of your charging cycles and keep the battery in an excellent condition it is important to let it run down during the day and place it on charge overnight. Engaging in quick charges robs you of the number of charge cycles that you stand to gain. 

Leave every charge cycle to run its course

Once you plug in a battery for a charge, try not to interrupt it but allow the charge to run its course. Getting a full charge every time ensures that your forklift is ready for optimum performance and you get value from your battery.

Always change the battery in a dry place

Oxidation and dust can affect your battery in the absence of due caution. The best way to avoid to build up of rust is to change your battery in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place all the time. 

Maintain optimum fluid levels

The levels of fluid that you maintain in your battery have an impact on its health. It is therefore important to maintain proper fluid levels by topping up after every 10 charges or so. 

Keep battery clean

Last but not least, always keep your battery clean by ridding any accidental acid spillage. You can also rinse it twice every year or quarterly as required to make sure that it remains in the best health.

Keep your forklift well-maintained

Apart from maintaining your battery, the overall condition of your forklift also has an impact on the various components including the battery. Make sure that forklift oem parts are used every time you take it for servicing and make sure that any salvage forklift parts that you buy have been tested.

Monday, July 10, 2017

A look at Forklift Truck Rental Options

When you need to get a forklift for your company for the first time, the options before you can be overwhelming. It takes a bit of time and some research to wrap your head around the various forklift leasing options and forklifts for sale in Atlanta and other places before you can find the best fit for your requirements. You have to weigh the pros and cons of leasing and buying your materials handling equipment. There is not clear-cut way to approach the leasing vs buying options when it comes to forklift trucks despite the abundance of ‘expert opinion’ in support of one or the other.

Basic Approach

The first and perhaps most notable deciding factor when faced with the lease vs buy question is your company’s financial well being and how you intend to use the forklift truck. If your equipment handles significantly lighter loads and those that have huge and highly profitable, it is advisable to buy your own forklift trucks as opposed to leasing. The search will naturally take you to two places, your accountants office and forklift dealer. You may also want to ascertain the availability of spares and may be visit some dealers that provide salvage forklift parts for sale to see if forklift oem parts are available before putting down your money. 

Leasing Options

  • Some of the available leasing options include: Residual or operating lease also called fair market value which features the lowest rates. It can however prove costly in the long term as you are required to pay the equipment’s fair market value if you intend to keep it at the expiration of your lease.
  • A full service lease which works like a long term rental as it allows you to make monthly payments while leaving repairs and reliability to the owner. 
  • A full buyout, capital or dollar value lease, which calls for high payments 
If you are looking to reduce your monthly payments, taking out extended leases can help. You need to take care not to extend the lease beyond a point where it offers dividends for your company. You also need to consider the benefits of ownership, which we will cover in a separate blog.

A Technical Perspective to Warehouse Management

If you run a warehouse, it is important to make sure that there are no disruptions in the workflow. The proposition of running a warehouse is in itself expensive and complex, with expenses such as equipment, personnel, utilities, and facilities. Your bottom line is affected by every aspect of every second of your warehouse’s day-to-day operations. Any hiccup in your workflow, no matter how small, can trigger a ripple effect that can ultimately cause a total shutdown.

Managing a Small Warehouse

Your warehouse is in a state of impeding disaster whenever you find a vital piece of logistics equipment in a non-functional state. Common pieces of equipment that are a staple in every warehouse include forklift trucks, pallet jacks, pickers. Fleet management is mostly tricky when it comes to small warehouses as they have a dire need to strike a balance between keeping a small fleet and ensuring that it is always up and running. Though buying one forklift truck may save you on startup and maintenance costs, things can easily go south if it breaks down. 

Finding Forklift OEM Parts

Finding forklift oem parts is the most difficult part as the trucks are made of thousands of parts that are impossible to find in one place. To make matters worse, they are also found in many types. If you don’t know where to find all the vital forklift oem parts whenever needed, chances of your equipment experiencing downtimes are very high. The wasted man-hours and the abnormal workload that results once the equipment if fixed can result in unbeatable scheduling problems for your warehouse. 

What are the risks?
  • Inability to meet client needs
  • Paying overtime to your workers while playing catch up 
  • Exorbitant repair and maintenance costs
  • Loss of business and revenue
What can you do?

It is important to take measures that protect you from such occurrences. Apart from knowing all the dealerships that deal in your forklift brand, make sure you know all the reputable providers of forklift salvage parts. You can get all the hard-to-get used forklift oem parts at a fraction of the price. Make sure that they are tested before being put on the market. Some may even come with a limited warranty.

Basics of Forklift Operation in Summer

Forklift trucks can be used indoors and outdoors. Operating a forklift outdoors exposes you to the elements which can be a pleasant or bad experience depending on the time of the year. While summer brings the welcome sunshine, it is important to know how to adjust your work strategy when the heat intensifies. Such knowledge works to improve workplace safety and health by complementing efforts such as operator training, servicing, and making sure that OEM forklift parts are installed every time during repairs.

What you Need to Do

It can be difficult to work in the sun, especially when it gets humid. Failure to exercise safety precautions exposes you to the risk of suffering heat stroke, dehydration, and acute fatigue. The steps you need to take to when working in the summer heat to champion good health and safety include:

Take Less Coffee and Get Adequate Sleep

During the summer, it is important to get enough sleep before coming to work. Treat yourself to a healthy satiating breakfast and remember that the summer heat makes the work even more tiring and you don’t want to be drifting in and out of consciousness while operating a forklift truck. Keep coffee to a minimum as it can contribute to dehydration or even cause a crash of energy. 

Take more Breaks

Although 15-minute breaks are always important regardless of the weather, the summer heat demands that you increase the frequency. You must also re-hydrate throughout the day to combat dehydration. 8 to 12 glasses of water per day is a healthy quantity to prevent dehydration and you can increase the intake if you are engaged in heavy work.

Protect Against Sunburn

Working outside all day even in moderate heat can result in your skin being burnt. Make sure that all exposed and vulnerable areas are treated to some protection before you set out for work. 

Safety First

A lot of forklift accidents that occur in the summer are a result of human error due to dehydration, fatigue, or other causes related to the heat. Make sure you take all necessary steps to protect yourself from the effects of working outdoors all day in the heat and humidity. For total workplace safety, make sure your forklift is suitable and fit for the job. It must be fitted with the appropriate attachments and used OEM forklift parts every time it goes for repairs. If you are shopping for parts on budget, salvage forklift parts are the way to go. You can also get hard-to-find forklift oem parts when you visit reputable providers of salvage forklift parts.

Dangers of Forklift Operation Without a License

Forklift operator training is very crucial for workplace health and safety, despite being overlooked by many. The law forbids the hiring of unlicensed people as forklift operators, and for good reason. It is only when you know the nature of risks associated with operating a forklift without a license that you can begin to truly appreciate the importance of driver training and licensing. This complements other efforts such as servicing and making sure that only oem forklift parts are installed. In this blog, we look at some of the common dangers associated with amateur forklift operation.

What are the Risks?

Forklift trucks are very powerful tools that can do more harm than good when placed in the wrong hands. Some of the risks that you open yourself to when you hire untrained people to operate forklifts include but are not necessarily limited to:
  • Loss of life 
  • Injuries to workers, customers, or pedestrians 
  • Compensation costs
  • Damaged loads, materials, equipment and facilities 
  • A damaged reputation 
  • Fines and even conviction 
  • Loss of business 
What Makes Forklift Trucks Dangerous in the Wrong Hands?
  • Forklift trucks are very heavy and powerful despite the fact that it is not always apparent from appearances. This makes it dangerous to allow untrained to operate the forklift, essentially discovering how to maneuver and operate the forklift on the job.
  • Even trained operators need refresher training every now and then to get rid of any acquired bad habits and learn new techniques. This makes an untrained person totally unsuitable to operate a forklift.
  • Even when travelling at low speeds, forklift trucks are still dangerous. Its total weight to come up to 13227.74 lbs if you account for the counterbalance, forks, and load. 

Forklift operator training does not only contribute to better health and safety in the workplace, but also helps improve productivity, efficiency, and the effective lifespan of your forklift trucks. Your oem forklift spares will also give you better value for your money, whether new or salvage forklift parts. Whenever shopping for salvage forklift parts, make sure that they have been tested or come with some form of warranty. You can bag affordable OEM CAT forklift parts and Toyota forklift parts online in Atlanta.